Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today at grandma place =)

today i went 2 grandma house to eat lor mee and the otah tat my father bought.
Thank you for inviting me.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


5th Uncle, 6th uncle, Ah Ma, Noga and Taurus(me) went crabbing today..for a lack of a better word, i use crabbing since its not really pasir ris..we had a harvest of many many small crabs and 3 big ones! hahahaa...chilly crabs was a rainy day but it didn't stop us! it was really fun!! hahahahhahaaa...more photos with 6th uncle...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Benjamin's Birthday Celebration

On 16 August 2008, we had an early birthday celebration for Benjamin with the Lim Clan. How time flies, this is his 3rd Birthday. Look at his happy smile!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Funny Video

Very funny video..enjoy! hahaha...


Hey Lims!

I will collect all the photos or videos if u have any..can put it on the blog slide show or put on photos of our gathering..pls send it to me at
HELLO fellow lims. (:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The National Day Gathering cum Eating Fest

Its National Day and once again, the whole of Lim Clan gathers at 2nd Sis's place to celebrate .... and eat.. and of course, to mingle and bond with our dear ones. Its at this place, we watch the national day parade, and anxiously wait for the fireworks that we could see from the 25th floor of this flat!

We had homemade fried Bee Hoon, curry veg, hotdogs, fried chicken wings and delicious pig stomach soup. Not to mention, the delicious sushi too. For desserts, there was ice-cream (with or without bread), chocolate fondue on fresh fruits, almond jelly with longans and bowls of colourful jellies! The little ones love part II more, of course :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

For the Lim Family, By the Lim Family

Officially created on National Day, 9 August 2008, for the Lim Family, by the Lim Family. This will be our official family blog and album. Feel free to post your stuff here, anything goes!