Saturday, November 8, 2008

Noga's Update..

Noga's greetings from Australia...

To all my dear LIM CLAN family

How's everyone? Hope everything is fine.. Is Lerraine's birthday party fun? Haha today is my 8th day stay in this foreign country (In Polygon Camp). Life is quite good here even though I'll get sandy straight after bathing (living in desert). The weather is cooling and quite cold at night. It hasn't been raining since we are here. My living condition is ok... Sleeping on a safari bed under a big tentage with 14 other men (haha the bed is not bad, can buy 1). Food is like what I eat in Bedok Camp (By Singapore Food Industry). The interesting thing is the toilet area, quite primitive but also creative (pulley system for shower, deep hole for shitting which I need to pour sawdust to cover up, 4 vertical tubes for peeing point). Haha really nice experience. There is no GSM network in tent, need to walk 400m away to 1 pt. to get to msg you guys. Time passes quite fast here. the sunrise is about 5am then sunset about 6pm. It is quite relaxed here, only the outfield part is tiring...

Really enjoyed my stay here but still misses Singapore. Haha I think I miss you guys more... Mummy, Daddy, Russell, Taurus, Ah ma, .... many many more of my LIM CLAN. Today is the start of ATEC and it will end on Thursday (ORD lor!). Hope the letter will put your minds at ease and you guys will stay happy :) TAKE CARE :)

*Attached is a photo I took here, with the weapons I've been carrying since Feb this year.
The sky is always blue whenever I wake up.

Home is the BEST
