Thursday, September 4, 2008

乐在生活中 - Lohasians

I watched a chinese documentary on Tuesday night on Channel U. Its about lohasians.

Lohas means living a life of happiness. To pursue a life which both the earth and oneself is living healthily. A lohasian inputs the ideas of lohas into his/her daily life. He/She moves with times but yet stands firm with his/her own ideals in life. To a lohasian, monetary means are not the essential elements in life, instead, to stay physically and mentally well-balanced, less violence and a spiritually fulfilling life is what they are looking for. This is their way of protecting earth.

In this episode, the programme profiled a lady by the name of Soo. She is the owner of a biodynamic organic vegetable farm in Singapore, dedicated to producing healthy food and looking after the environment. Only half hour drive from the city centre, the farm is an oasis of greenery where food is grown without the use of any artificial chemical or pesticide, and farm animals are given space to roam. Nature is treated with respect.

Very inspiring lady. I hope I can visit the farm at Lim Chu Kang soon! Check it out:

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